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A brief guide to GNU Make

make is a build tool which tracks the dependencies between the resources it manages, updating the successors whenever a change in one or more predecessors is detected.

It was originally developed by Stuart Feldman in 1976 as a Bell Labs summer intern - he then received the 2003 ACM Software System Award for the authoring of this widespread tool.

The inspiration came from the experience of a coworker of Feldman who futilely debugged a program where the executable was accidentally not being updated after bug had been fixed in the source code.


make reads and executes instructions contained in files called Makefile. They essentially store the description of a pipeline, as well as dependencies among pipeline blocks.

The main concept in Makefile is represented by rules. A rule consists of three components:

  • a target, the objective of the rule;
  • a recipe, which consists in a set of actions to be performed to achieve the target:
  • the dependencies, which are a list of prerequisites (other targets) that must be matched before the recipe can be executed.

The syntax to declare a rule is the following

target: dependencies

where, by default, a tab stands as prefix of every recipe line.

Each target can be then executed by calling make: the specified dependencies, if any, will be checked - and executed, if needed - and the recipe will be then executed.

For example, the following Makefile

    echo "hello world"

can be executed by calling make hello.

How make reads a Makefile

(paragraph 3.7 of GNU make user manual)

make does its work in two distinct phases.

During the first phase it reads all the makefiles, included makefiles, etc. and internalizes all the variables and their values and implicit and explicit rules, and builds a dependency graph of all the targets and their prerequisites. During the second phase, make uses this internalized data to determine which targets need to be updated and run the recipes necessary to update them.

It’s important to understand this two-phase approach because it has a direct impact on how variable and function expansion happens. We say that expansion is immediate if it happens during the first phase: make will expand that part of the construct as the makefile is parsed. We say that expansion is deferred if it is not immediate. Expansion of a deferred construct part is delayed until the expansion is used: either when it is referenced in an immediate context, or when it is needed during the second phase.


  • you can change the tab as default recipe prefix by overriding it with .RECIPEPREFIX =
  • you can break recipe lines with \
  • by default, the simple execution of make in a directory which contains a Makefile will execute its first target. You can override this behaviour by specifying in the Makefile .DEFAULT_GOAL :=
  • you can ask to make to execute also other files which respect Makefile syntax by executing make, where mk is the standard extension for Makefiles
  • you can import other Makefiles within a given one by stating
  • make, by default, redirects to stdout all the action of a recipe before the execution. To avoid such a behaviour (for example, in the case of an echo action) you can prefix a @ to the action
  • comments in Makefile are inserted with a heading #

Last but not least, make offers a dry run mode which shows the steps that would be executed starting from a given Makefile without actually executing them. It can be achieved through make --dry-run or make -n.


Makefile syntax supports variables. Basic usage consists in:

  • deferred assignment with var_name = var_value (or immediate assignment with var_name := var_value)
  • recall via $(var_name)

make does variable substitution on recipe actions before they are passed to the shell for execution. That means that anything that looks like a variable will get replaced with the appropriate value. Therefore, to protect a variable intended to be interpreted by the shell rather than make, you need to double the dollar sign.

In short: make variables have a single dollar sign, shell variables have a double dollar sign.

Automatic variables

Some variables are automatically computed for each rule and made accessible in the recipe through handy syntax shortcuts. This means that automatic variables have a limited scope of availability i.e., are available only within each rule scope (which is, indeed, defined by its recipe).

Some of them are:

  • $@ , which refers to the target of the rule;
  • $^ , which refers to the complete list of dependencies;
  • $< , which refers to the first dependency.

In turn, % is a wildcard that can be used within both target and dependencies: the matched pattern can be recalled within the recipe using the automatic variable $*.

It’s also possible to pass a variable to make directly at the command line, by calling make=: this is useful for example to modify the execution of a given recipe without permanently altering it.

Phony targets

Standard Makefile rules expect the target to be built by the rule execution i.e., a rule with a given target is expected to somehow create the target (if needed).

At the same time, make functionalities can represent a set of handy tools also for managing sequences of steps in a given (more “abstract”) pipeline, possibly without the need of managing concrete targets (files) or without the limitation of having a unique (preferred) target per rule.

To overcome this situation, any target can be labelled as phony to inform make that no file/directory is actually linked to that target. This can be achieved by specifying

.PHONY: target
target: dependencies

However, this choice as a huge effect on how make will interpret the rule associated to the phony target: since no actual file is linked to the target, from make perspective there is no way to determine whether or not the rule has been already executed. This lead to the consequence that rules with phony targets are always executed (somehow locally breaking the change tracking feature of the tool itself).

Conversely, since the default nature of a rule is expecting the creation of a file which name coincides with the rule target, a standard non-PHONY rule which abides this nature should use a plain $@ somewhere in its recipe to indicate the file it creates.

See more in this useful thread.

Phony targets as aliases

Despite the above discussion, phony targets can be very useful in Makefiles, for example to manage aliases that can be recalled with make.

For example, in a Makefile which contains a build rule can be useful to recall this rule with make build - while preserving the change tracking feature - despite the fact that the build folder is actually named “build”.

In such a case, we can define a phony target called build with no recipe but a single dependency pointing to the actual building rule.

.PHONY: build
build: build_dir_name

build_dir_name: dependencies

In this case, the first call to make build will check for the dependency build_dir_name and will execute it. Then, a second attempt of calling make build will led to this message: make: Nothing to be done for 'build'.

This does not mean that make knows that build has already been executed (we must remember that build is a phony target, so make has no way to track it!), but simply that build rule comes with no actions to be performed (empty recipe). So, why in the first execution the build has been actually performed? Basically, thanks to the automated dependency tracking of make, which triggered the execution of build_dir_name. At the second attempt, make recognized that the dependency has already been executed and simply “lacks” to inform us about this awareness, limiting the stdout log to the build scope.

Conversely, a call to make build_dir_name after make build would have led to this log: make: 'build_dir_name' is up to date. (because, now, make has been invoked over a trackable rule which has already been executed, so the log scope referring to this same rule is closer to what has happened).

This usage of phony targets obviously shows some limitations, but can be anyway useful in order to obtain a balance between change tracking functionalities and ease of use.

More on the topic here.

make help trick

In order to obtain an automated documentation of a Makefile and be able to recall it through make help you can:

  • comments each line that must be included in the help with ## (instead of the standard single hash)
  • define a custom help rule with the following syntax:
.PHONY: help
help: Makefile
    @sed -n 's/^## //p' $&lt

This rule recipe passes the whole Makefile (the unique dependency) to the stream editor sed through the automatic variable $<. The editor then looks for the specified pattern and returns the lines which match with the pattern to stdout.


(paragraph 5.4 of GNU make user manual)

Normally, make will execute only one recipe at a time, waiting for it to finish before executing the next. However, the -j or --jobs option tells make to execute many recipes simultaneously.

If the -j option is followed by an integer, this is the number of recipes to execute at once; this is called the number of job slots. If there is nothing looking like an integer after the -j option, there is no limit on the number of job slots. The default number of job slots is one, which means serial execution (one thing at a time).

Makefile vs script

Why (and when) a Makefile should be chosen instead of a simple automation script?

Generally speaking, we can think to a script as a way to automate a process, while make uses Makefile to define a process and build everything needed within that process scope: it basically provides an executable description of the process pipeline.

Moreover, make automatically determines which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issues commands to recompile just them, but is not limited to programs. We can use it to describe any task where some files must be updated automatically from others whenever the others change.

This automated behavior of dependency awareness and change tracking could be achieved also with scripts, but would require a lot more work. make achieves to do it automatically by performing topological sorting on the DAG built over a given Makefile.

