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A comparison between AWS Chalice and AWS SAM

AWS Chalice is a microframework for writing serverless apps in Python.

The following table provides a mapping between AWS SAM and AWS Chalice commands:


Main options


SAM equivalent

chalice new-project

initialize an "hello world" sample project at the dev stage

sam init --name

chalice deploy

--no-autogen-policy to avoid auto policy generation, requires a source policy file .chalice/policy-.json
--stage to set a different deployment stage (dev by default)

Chalice automatically builds apps, storing the build results in .chalice/deployments/

sam build && sam deploy

chalice local

--port=XXXX to redirect local hosting on a specific port

locally run the app (by default on port 8000)

partially covered by sam local invoke

chalice invoke --name

invoke a Lambda function

partially covered by sam local invoke

chalice gen-policy

redirect to stdout the auto-generated AWS policy for the defined app (useful as a starting template for .chalice/policy-.json)

chalice delete

delete the deployed app

The following sample is the Chalice implementation equivalent of SAM project discussed here.


├── .chalice/
   ├── deployed/
      └── <stage_name>.json
   ├── deployments/
   ├── policy-<stage_name>.json
   └── config.json

├── chalicelib/


└── requirements.txt

where contains (possibly) all the Lambda handlers, each one decorated with @app.lambda_function(name='my_lambda_name'), needed to let Chalice treat them as pure Lambda functions.