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AWS S3 presigned URLs

Solutions to common problems when working with S3 presigned URLs.

SignatureDoesNotMatch error

The error can be spotted visiting presigned URL and receiving:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.</Message>

A possible solution is given in this issue: specifying in s3 client configuration s3={​​​​​​'addressing_style': 'virtual'}​​​​​​.

More on the topic here.

Credentials and expiration

Even if presigned URL creation lets you specify the URL duration via ExpiresIn parameter, you can experience different url durations, capped to 12 hours despite longer requested value.

The reason behind such behaviour is that credentials used to create the presigned url take precedence - in terms of validity duration - over any parameters specified at creation time. At each authentication method corresponds a different timeout, which hits the maximum with of 7 days with access key e secret access key authentication.

If a given presigned url has been created by a Lambda function with a standard role, it should have a max_session_duration which defaults to 1 hour. Despite this default, the CDK IAM Role docs states

[...] Anyone who assumes the role from the AWS CLI or API can use the DurationSeconds API parameter or the duration-seconds CLI parameter to request a longer session. [...]

As confirmed in this issue, boto3 S3 client - while creating a presigned url - performs a request for a temporary access token to STS, with a default DurationSeconds of 12 hours. Moreover, in this table, the only STS access methods with 12 hours default duration seem to be the ones involving tokens.