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Terminal User Interface

If you have an already up-and-running Typer app, you might want to extend it to some sort of GUI (Graphical User Interface).

While building a full GUI can be time-consuming, there is a really fast utility which can be adopted to get somewhere in between.

We can indeed take advantage of Click, the command line interfaces builder underlying Typer itself. Since the former has been eagerly adopted almost anywhere a CLI is required, it represents a leader in the Python ecosystem.

Given so, other libraries have built on-top of Click as Typer did: one of them is Trogon, which basically provides TUI (Terminal User Interface) based on Textual around Click apps.

As pointed out in this thread, Trogon can therefore do his job also on Typer apps:

import typer
from trogon import Trogon
from typer.main import get_group

app = typer.Typer()

# ... pre-existing Typer app

def launch_tui(ctx: typer.Context):
    Trogon(get_group(app), click_context=ctx).run()

This is a nice add-on for Typer apps, which still remain completely available: Trogon's TUI just corresponds to a brand new command in a Typer app i.e., launch-tui in the above example.