Data Visualization¶
- Guide to real-time visualization of massive 3D point clouds in Python
- 3D Visualization of Geospatial Big Data by Lexcube
- PyVista: 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
- Creating animated graphs
- Animations with matplotlib
- A day in the life of Americans
- 3b1b and
- Animating with
- Coronavirus pandemic with choropleth maps
- Population models in Python
- GIF and math videos in Python
- GIF in Python
- Manim step by step intro
- Visualizing the shockwave propagation of Tonga vulcano eruption
- ManimML: animations and visualizations of common machine learning concepts
Chord diagram¶
- Colorbrewer
- How to use color in data visualization
- Coolors
- Canva color combinations
- The power of color palette
- What to consider when choosing colors
- Palette transfer via KMeans
- How the right colormap helps revealing hidden information
- Pantone colors
- Transforming colors with matrices
Confusion matrix¶
Dashboard design¶
Data Journalism¶
- Data Journalism spatial projection for story decomposition
- random thoughts on visualization and data journalism by Gregor Aisch
Scrolling Visualisation with D3.js
- How to build a scroller
- How to create an interactive scrolling visualization with D3.js
- Storytelling with maps and scrolling
Data Mapping¶
- from Data to Viz
- Word embedding visualization
- Visual vocabulary
- The Python Graph Gallery
- Dataviz Inspiration
Data Storytelling¶
- Tips for creating persuasive charts
- Make your data talk
- Prevent misinformation in data visualization
- The power of visualization in DS
- Information visualization
- Art and science of data visualization
- DS concepts visually explained
- Time doesn't exist
- Color in data visualization
- Stakeholders friendly dot plots
- The limits of knowledge
- Visual vocabulary
- Why this chart is bad
- ML concepts interactively
- The 10-20-30 rule
- 365 days in data-viz
- Visual and interactive explorables data-stories
- Tagging Mountaineering Accident Reports Using bart-large-mnli
- Recreating Florence Nightingale's work with ggplot
- Map of GitHub
- River Runner: visualize the path of a rain droplet
- Topography Explorer
- SCQA: a framework for structuring information
- A Map of Python
- Code Galaxies Visualization
Decision Trees¶
Design Systems¶
Dumbbell charts¶
- Exploratory design in data visualization
- Speed up data analysis in Python
- Improve data analysis in Python
for EDApandas-profiling
for parallel coordinate plots- Pandas EDA libraries
- Lux for Python pandas
- SweetViz for EDA
to automate HTML report- RAWGraphs to explore spreadsheets data
for Bayesian EDA- Kangas: exploring, analyzing, and visualizing large-scale multimedia data
- PyGWalker: A Python Library for Exploratory Data Analysis with Visualization
- Data Formulator: Create Rich Visualizations with AI
Energy data¶
- Modo Energy Plotter
- Energy-Charts: interactive graphics displaying energy production and spot market prices
- How to build a non geographical map
- Feature extraction with
and google maps - Python interface for GMT (Generic Mapping Tools)
- Ridge geomap
- Shuttle Radar Topography Mission parser
- Geemap for Google Earth maps interaction
- KeplerGL
- How to add Google Maps layer to Folium map
- Leafmap
- eefolium: Folium meets Google Earth Engine
- ipyleaflet
- Embed Plotly chart into Folium popups
- Greppo for geospatial dashboarding
- Electricity Maps
- Planning the perfect hike with OSMnx
- Prettymaps
- Visualizing routes with VeRoViz
- FlowmapBlue: create geographic flow maps representing numbers of movements between locations
- Isochrones in Python via OSMnx
High-dimensional data¶
Andrews curves¶
Interactive visualizations¶
Javascript libraries¶
- Javascript charts
: Python porting of D3js1- Carbon charts: a reusable framework-agnostic D3 charting library
- D3js scatterplots in Python
- The Most Advanced Libraries for Data Visualization and Analysis on the Web
Line Plot¶
Model accuracy¶
Networks and graphs¶
Pie Charts¶
- Animations Hans Rosling style
- Plotly graphics
- Data visualization for data-storytelling
- Professional scatter plots
Publications plot¶
Ridgeline plots¶
for drawing ridgeline plots- Ridge plots of ridges
- ridgeplot: beautiful ridgeline plots in Python
ROC Curve¶
- Classification model evaluation
- ROC curve
- Understanding ROC and AUC
- ROC and precision-recall curves
- Classification models and ROC curve
- Mechanics of the ROC curve
- ROC and AUC explained
Social science¶
- Visualization of elections with python
- How visualizing social inequality can make it worse
- Beyond Numbers: How Ethical Data Visualization Tells the Human Story
- Google Books Ngram Viewer
- Parallel Lives
Strip charts for time-series¶
- Rules for using colors
- Human-Computer Interaction principles
- Design informative visualizations
- The importance of scale and scaling data
- Applied theory to improve line charts
- Psychology behind data visualization
- Does data visualization have rules?
- Introduction to data visualization theory
- Data Visualization guidelines from
- Declarative vs. Imperative Plotting
Datawrapper Blog¶
- Emphasize what you want readers to see with color
- What to consider when using text in data visualizations
- Which fonts to use for your charts and tables
- How to choose an interpolation for your color scale
Time Series visualization¶
- Time series plot with GitHub contributions style
- July for calendar plot
- Stop aggregating: context and rearrangement for time series visualization with Observable plot
- Radial visualization of time series
- Visualization tips for long time series
- Causal
- 10 tools for data visualization
- Other 5 tools for data visualization
- RAWGraphs
- Data Viz Catalogue
- Panel Graphic Walker: a simple way to explore your data through a Tableau-like interface directly in your Panel data applications
Upset plot¶
- UpSet
- Visualizing intersections and overlaps with Venn diagrams and Upset plots
- UpSetPlot library
- matplotlib-venn library
A day in the life of Americans is finally available in Python! ↩